Porn has hit the mainstream, with uncensored hard-core graphic material easily accessed by children and teenagers via their devices across the country, to the great concern of many parents.
Channel 4 has commissioned Mums Make Porn (w/t), a new ground-breaking three part series produced by Firecracker Films, in which a group of ordinary mums of teenage children will research and explore the world of modern pornography and then produce their own film. Working with industry experts, the mums will be given all the tools they need, but they will be completely in control – from writing and casting, to directing and editing their fully mum-approved pornographic film.
Mums Make Porn (w/t) is a production of Firecracker Films, and has been commissioned by Channel 4’s Clemency Green, Commissioning Editor, Features. The Executive Producers for Firecracker are Emma Morgan, Creative Director of Factual, and Jes Wilkins, Chief Creative Officer, and Series Producer is Kate Farnaby.